There are many delegates I am sure of really would be up to the job of chair committee. After a quick chat with Mr. Lurie (6th grade social studies teacher) we are more than likely not to have voting for the committee but are to choose them manually. I apologies for those who were planned on voting. Please do keep tuned for we might in the end have voting done.
-Nicholas Sims, 2013 Secretary General 2013
Dear Delegates,
I am proud to say that after two weeks of grueling work on this website the majority of the website's construction is complete. With the finishing of this website we now enter a new chapter in this 4 part novel. We are getting closer and closer to cmMUNs very first session on Friday, May 10th. As this sounds very exciting there is still a lot of work to be done. I assure you stay calm and bear with us as we are still figuring this out as we go. Also, for all Delegates wanting to become a part of the chair Committee please report to Mr. Lurie or Mrs. Petty for your number that you MUST WRITE DOWN AS YOUR NAME. THIS IS AN ANONYMOUS TESTING. I DON'T WANT TO KNOW WHO WROTE WHAT UNTIL YOUR NUMBER IS CALLED. DON'T FORGET YOUR NUMBER! If you forget your number you will be replaced by another person I believe is up to the job. Thank you for taking your time to read my message. Stay tuned for more live updates, and live from Casey Middle School it is Mr lurie! (Or miss Petty)
-Nicholas Sims, 2013 Secretary General